• TOFA-Ester


Umicore Specialty Materials Brugge NV (USMB) has a long history and tradition as a toll ester producer. Since 2012 USMB wishes to profile as a strong independent brand on the market, offering a full range of Valiflex and Valilube esters at our customer’s disposal.

Pine trees from sustainable managed forests form the basis of much of today's pulp and paper production. During the Kraft paper production one of the pine chemicals is extracted as Crude Tall Oil (derived from the Swedish word Tallolja“orPineOil“). Tall Oil Fatty Acid, TOFA, is made out of this Crude Tall Oil. The Valilube and Valiflex ester products are TOFA or dimer based.

USMB strives to implement sustainable and renewable raw materials into its product range, putting great importance to the global environmental impact. TOFA based products fit perfectly in this vision. TOFA based products offer a long-lasting alternative to petrochemical raw materials. TOFA even overperforms alternative vegetable (edible) oil based products on CO2 consumption (cradle to gate).

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